Yesterday, on March 8, 2018, TunnelBear announced that their whole company was acquired by McAfee, a traditional antivirus security company from the United States.What does this really mean for TunnelBear and their 22 million users? TunnelBear is our favorite free (with a 500 MB data quota per month) VPN which received a decent 69% score in our review.

Enfin, il convient de mentionner la localisation de l'entreprise VPN. TunnelBear est situé au Canada et a été acheté par McAfee (une société américaine) début  19 févr. 2020 Le siège de TunnelBear se trouve au Canada. Ce VPN a été racheté récemment par la société de sécurité internet McAfee. TunnelBear vous  TunnelBear VPN heads the opposite direction with bright colors, excellent design , and a cadre of cute but It's owned by the antivirus company McAfee. 8 Mar 2018 With McAfee's backing, TunnelBear expects to expand its VPN service into new regions. What remains unclear is how McAfee will absorb 

9 Jun 2018 Question: Why was Tunnelbear being acquired McAfee a problem? Discussion. noob here, sorry <3 And which free and easy VPN would you recommend now?

10 Mar 2018 McAfee is acquiring Canadian VPN provider TunnelBear. The security giant plans to integrate TunnelBear's technology into its own VPN  20 Apr 2018 TunnelBear, Canada-based company running one of the most solid VPN services, has been acquired by McAfee. We all love the bear and  9 мар 2018 В официальном заявлении McAfee, у которой есть собственный VPN-сервис Safe Connect, сообщила, что покупает TunnelBear для 


TunnelBear est un fournisseur de Réseau Privé Virtuel qui est connu par une partie des internautes. Comparé à ses principaux concurrents (ExpressVPN et CyberGhost), il a par contre du chemin à faire. C’est dans le but de vous en faire savoir un peu plus sur les fonctionnalités et les performances de ce VPN que nous vous proposons cet avis sur TunnelBear. Dans cet article, vous allez 17/07/2020 · What’s more, TunnelBear was bought by McAfee in 2018, which is under the US jurisdiction. McAfee himself is not a big fan of NSA, but both countries are known for tough anti-piracy laws and make TunnelBear subject to data retention policies. TunnelBear used to own all their servers, but this is no longer advertised on their website. This